Friday, November 29, 2019

Letter Essays - 9, , Term Papers, Research Papers

Letter October 16, 2000 Mrs. Jensen 319 Bibb Graves Jacksonville, AL 362265 Dear Mrs. Jensen I attended Rome High School of Rome, Ga. Rome High School is about forty-five minutes from Jacksonville. Just head towards Piedmont, Al and then drive straight to Cedartown, Ga. The road signs will lead you there. My major is going to be Criminal Justice. I look forward to becoming a K-9 police officer. I chose JSU because I had a pole-vaulting contract and I also want to be on the number one drum line of the nation. I haven't started either yet so I assume you could just call me another broke student running around having fun. There are many things I like about JSU. There are defiantly plenty of parties, not that I go or anything. Mainly I like the band. The band is the main reason that I came. At my high school I was a drummer. My high school band practically lives at JSU. JSU has the number one drum line in the nation, so from a drummer's perspective where better to march for. The other reason I came to JSU you is to be close enough to home so I can go see my girlfriend every weekend. I really like this campus, everyone is very friendly and it isn't hard to find all of your classes. There isn't really any thing I don't like about JSU. It is a great college. I guess if I had to say there was something I would like, it would be the classes. College should just be a place that you go and live and hangout with people for a year. That way classes could be optional. Things I like and dislike about computers: ? I love using the Internet. ? I dislike slow computers. ? I dislike when you can't load something. ? I dislike not understanding why a computer does something. ? I like using computers to type (my handwriting is awful) ? I don't like loosing programs or papers ? And on Gateway computers I like the Go Back Program I like you class very much but I don't feel like I need to be there for anything except for the tests and when you give out homework assignments. I missed a few of you classes last week and I want to apologize. My car had broken down when I was at home so I was stranded for three days. Sincerely, Nick Steketee

Monday, November 25, 2019

Should I Take a Gap Year 6 Reasons the Answer Is Yes

Should I Take a Gap Year 6 Reasons the Answer Is Yes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Not excited about the idea of starting another year of school in the fall? What if you could instead take a break from school and spend a year backpacking around Europe, volunteering for a cause you care about, or getting paid to work on a cruise ship? With a gap year all those things possible! Have you heard of gap years but aren’t sure what they are?Do you know other people taking gap years but aren’t sure if they’re a good idea for you? What are the benefits of taking a gap year anyway?In this guide, I use my own gap year experience to explain the major benefits of gap year programs and why they’re such a great choice for many students. I end with some tips to ensure you get the most out of your own gap year. My Gap Year Experience By the time I finished my Master’s degree, I was 24 years old and burnt out from years of non-stop studying, writing papers, and taking tests. I was applying to all sorts of jobs, but I wasn’t excited about any of them.After years of spending all my time and energy on school, my life had become boring, and I felt like I was just going through the motions without actually enjoying myself or doing the things I cared about or was interested in. I kept going because I felt like I didn’t have any other choice than to jump straight from school to a career. One day, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw pictures posted by a friend currently traveling through Europe. She was on an around-the-world trip, and, while I’d scoffed when she’d told me she was quitting her job to travel, I had to admit that she looked happier than I did at the moment.Looking through her photos, I realized that that was what I wanted to be doing with my life: seeing new places, learning new things, meeting new people. Why couldn’t I do what my friend was doing? Maybe not quite as extreme as traveling around the world (I had students loans to pay off after all), but why couldn’t I change up my life and do something exciting? Why did I have to go straight from high school to college to grad school to a corporate job? I weighed the options for a few weeks, but in the end, choosing between taking a job I wasn’t interested in or spending a year having experiences I’d dreamed of having wasn’t a hard decision to make. I did some research and found that gap years are actually a fairly common experience in certain parts of the world. People who do a gap year can travel, get work experience, take a class they’ve always been interested in, learn a foreign language, do volunteer work, and more. Really anything you think is interesting or exciting could be the basis of your gap year. After looking at numerous options, I decided to spend my gap year teaching English at a high school in northeast France. I also had enough time on the side to volunteer at an environmental organization I was interested in.My parents and friends were largely supportive, but when I told my school advisor what I’d be doing, she was horrified. She told me I was making a terrible decision and warned me that not taking a job in the field I’d studied in would have a serious negative impact on my career. â€Å"Not to mention employers will think you look lazy,† she added. Those comments made me nervous, but I still felt like I was making the right decision. As a matter of fact, not only did I not torpedo my career, I came away with a host of new skills and a better idea of the kind of job I wanted, both of which made it fairly easy for me to find a job I was happy with once my gap year ended.More important though, was the fact that I finally felt like I was doing what I wanted with my life. I look back on my gap year now as one of the best decisions I’ve made, and many others who’ve taken gap years would agree. 6 Reasons To Take a Gap Year It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of taking a gap year, but you may also still have a lot of doubts about actually doing it. Your parents or teachers may also need some more convincing before they get on board with the idea of you taking a gap year. Whatever the case, here are six of the biggest gap year benefits. Read through them and you’ll see that a gap year can have all sorts of benefits for you academically, professionally, and personally. #1: It Can Boost Your GPA If you’re worried that taking a year off from school will cause your grades to suffer once you go back, don’t be! Studies of gap year students have shown that people who take a gap year actually get higher grades in college compared to their peers who don’t take a gap year. Why is this? There are several potential reasons. Many students, especially at those at risk of academic burn-out, benefit from taking a year off studying so they can return with more energy and motivation. Taking a gap year that relates to your future career can also help you get more excited about your studies so you’re more interested in your classes and motivated to do well. Planning and carrying out a gap year also often increases your organization skills, maturity, and confidence, all of which can help you do better in school once you return. If I could change one thing about my gap year, I would have done it earlier, either before I went to college or immediately after. By the time I took my gap year, I had been in school for nearly 20 years straight, and I spent the last year of my Master’s program just trying to get my work done as quickly as possible because I was so sick of school. Taking a gap year earlier would likely have helped me reset and go through grad school with more motivation and energy. #2: You Can Get Serious Work Experience A gap year is often a great way to get experience specifically related to the career you want. Many companies and organizations offer half-year or full-year internships or volunteer positions, but most people can’t do them because they are busy with school or work. This means these positions are actually often easier to get than many summer jobs, and since they’re longer you’ll have the benefit of gaining more experience and making stronger connections with the people you’re working with. This can mean better letters of recommendation and useful contacts when you’re trying to get a job later on down the line. If you spend your entire gap year working in the field you want to go into you’ll have experience that few other college students do. That can help set you apart in the future when you’re applying to jobs or grad school.By the end of my gap year, I had a full year of teaching experience, a year of volunteering experience at an NGO, and I had significantly improved my French skills. Any one of those could make me more qualified for potential jobs. #3: You’ll Gain New Skills You may not want to spend your gap year working in the field you plan on majoring in and getting a career in, and that’s also fine. Plenty of people choose to spend their gap year doing something they’d never have a chance to do otherwise, and the good thing is, you’ll still gain useful skills and knowledge, even if they’re not directly related to your future career.So if you’ve always wanted to learn how to survive in the wilderness, explore South America, work at a ski lodge, etc., this is the time to do those things. Also, you may end up using some of those skills in your future jobs, even if you didn’t think you would at the time. During my gap year, I learned all about the ins-and-outs of the French education system, which I thought was interesting at the time, but not something I’d ever need to know again.As it turns out, I later got jobs with a focus on international education, and many of the things I learned in France were still applicable for those jobs. So that information has been useful after all! #4: You Can Make Money This isn’t the case for all gap years, obviously, but if you decide to take a job or an internship during your gap year that pays, you could make a significant chunk of change during that year.Even if your job only pays minimum wage, you can still make about $15,000 in a year if you work full time, and you can put that money towards paying for school or another expense. If you choose to use your gap year salary to help pay for school, not only will you be able to take out fewer loans initially, but because your loans are smaller, they’ll accrue less interest than larger loans would. Student loan interest alone can easily total several thousand dollars by the time you graduate, so if you use your gap year job to pay for more of your school costs upfront, you’ll be saving money in two ways: by taking out fewer loans and by having less interest on those smaller loans. #5: You’ll Meet Tons of New People No matter what you decide to do during your gap year, you’re practically guaranteed to meet new people.Even if you already have great friends, a gap year is an excellent way to meet different kinds of people you wouldn’t normally come across. And in addition to expanding your social circle, you can even use these new friends as networking contacts if they work in a field you want a job in or know someone who can get you a job. Networking and finding useful career contacts is something colleges regularly encourage students to do, and you’ll be ahead of the pack if you start doing this during your gap year program. #6: You’ll Get a Better Idea of What You Want to Do Many students are reluctant to take a gap year because they worry it’ll put them â€Å"behind† their friends and peers, but that’s hardly the case.Taking a gap year can help you get a much better sense of what kind of career you actually want.This can save you years of time and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition money compared to graduating with a certain degree, taking a job in that field, and then realizing it’s not what you want to do with your life. When I was in college, I had lots of friends who wanted to be doctors. Only a fraction of them ended up graduating from med school; the rest realized medicine wasn’t actually the field for them. Many of them only came to this conclusion after graduating college with degrees in human biology, and a few even started med school before changing their career goals and dropping out. It’s not a guarantee, but these students may have had a much better idea of whether medicine was right for them if they’d spent a gap year working in a hospital or shadowing a doctor.Even if this put them â€Å"behind† for a year, it’s much less time and money lost compared to people who don’t discover until after college that they don’t like the career they got their major in and now need to find a different job or go back to school and get a new degree. Taking a gap year early on can actually put you ahead of a lot of your peers because you’ll have a better idea of what you want.Even though I spent most of my time during my gap year teaching English to French students, the part that I thought would be most useful for my future career was the volunteering I did at an environmental NGO since that’s the kind of career I thought I wanted.As it turned out, during my gap year I discovered I didn’t like that kind of work at all, and although it was somewhat alarming to realize I suddenly had to rethink my future, it was much better to figure that out earlier than after returning from the gap year, applying to a bunch of NGO jobs, getting one, probably moving somewhere new, and realizing I hated it. You could also go do a gap year in something you never considered a career in, love it, and end up deciding to get future jobs in that field. I have a friend who was majoring in engineering, but she spent a gap year working as a concierge in a hotel and ended up deciding to pursue a career in hotel management. You really only know if a certain career is a good fit for you after you try it out, and a gap year is a great, low-risk way to get that experience. 3 Tips For Planning a Great Gap Year In order to get all or many of the gap year benefits we just discussed above, you have to put some thought and planning into your gap year. Waiting until the last minute to figure how you’re spending the year could still lead to a positive experience, but in order to get the most out of your gap year, start your planning at least several months ahead of time (many of the most competitive jobs and internships have application deadlines around this time), and follow the three tips below. Figure Out What You Want to Accomplish During Your Gap Year The most important part of planning your gap year is to decide what your goals for it are.Do you want to travel? Earn some money? Volunteer for an organization you love? Gain experience in the field you want to go into? Start with your broad goal(s) for your gap year and gradually narrow them. If you want to travel where do you want to travel to? What do you hope to gain from traveling? Will you need to work to help cover your expenses?If you want work experience, what kind of places would you like to work at? Does it have to be paid, or can you do unpaid or volunteer work? What are you hoping to gain from the work experience? Something to put on your resume, professional connections, both?Keep asking yourself questions about what you want from your gap year until you have a solid idea of exactly what you’re hoping to get from it. Here’s the list I came up with for my gap year goals: Travel to new places Learn foreign language skills Get experience working for non-profits Make enough money to support myself After doing a lot of research, I decided that teaching English in France, while volunteering at a nearby non-profit, was the perfect way to meet each of those goals. Decide on Your Timeline and Budget Early On Figuring out what you want to do during your gap year isn’t the only important decision you’ll make. You also need to figure out early on how much time and money you can put towards your gap year. Most people spend an entire year on their gap year, but you may only be able to spend part of a year due to classes or work. Figure that out early on so you don’t end up applying to jobs or programs you can’t complete.Setting a timeline also ensures your gap year won’t stretch on indefinitely, a fear some parents have for their children. If you’re worried about your gap year going longer than you originally planned, having a firm end date set upfront can help you stick to your schedule, as can choosing gap year programs with their own end dates, such as visas that expire or classes that end after a certain number of months.When I got my job in France, my work visa was only valid for a year, which gave me a nonnegotiable deadline for when I had to leave. Budget is also important. If you’re going to be living with your parents during your gap year, you may have few or no expenses, but if your gap year includes travel and/or a program with admission fees, those costs could quickly add up.Again, figuring out how much you can spend on your gap year early on will reduce the chances of you finding a program or activity you love only to later realize it’s not in your budget.I had a bit of money budgeted for my gap year, but I also knew I’d need to get a job that paid me so I could cover my living expenses and begin paying off my student loans. Keep Yourself Busy If you spend your gap year working, say, ten hours a week at a job or volunteer position, that isn’t the best use of your time. You’ll have so much downtime that the experience will detract from your future college and work applications rather than enhance them.You want to make sure you’re spending your time productively during your gap year, which may mean taking more than one job or doing a combination of classes and work. You don’t need to exhaust yourself, but aiming for about 30-40 hours of work/classes a week is a good benchmark to set. This ensures you’re getting the most out of your gap year benefits and shows schools and employers that you’re a hard worker and who your time productively. My job as an English teacher only took up about 25-30 hours a week, so I used my extra time to take French classes, volunteer at an environmental organization, and travel around Europe on the weekends. Teaching English was the main purpose of my gap year, but filling my time with other activities helped me get the most out of my experience and gave me more to talk about when asked how I spent the year. Conclusion: Should I Take a Gap Year? Is a gap year a good idea? Gap years aren’t for everyone; some people are happy to stick to the path they’re on or can’t take a year away from work or school, and that’s fine. However, for many people, a gap year is a great way to do something you’ve only dreamed of doing, whether that’s traveling to a new part of the world, hiking the Appalachian Trail, working on a cruise ship, or whatever else you’re interested in. Some people dislike gap year programs because they feel students are too young to do them, or they think it’s more important for students to finish their education first and get some work experience before taking a year off. However, there will never be an easier time in your life to take a gap year. As you get older, things like student loans, mortgages, families, and jobs you don’t want to leave begin to pile up, making it harder and harder to achieve your goal of a gap year the longer you wait. Postponing your gap year can often mean it won’t happen at all, so take advantage of one of the few times when you can uproot your life and try something new without lots of things holding you back.Before I decided to take a gap year, I was worried I was going to mess up my life by not following the â€Å"plan† I was told was the way to success, but not only was my gap year a great experience, it put me in a better spot financially and professionally than I had been at before. What's Next? Have you decided to do a gap year?Get more information on how to find gap year ideas and start planning with our complete guide to gap years. Do you have the opportunity to study abroad in high school? This comprehensive guide discusses what it means to study abroad as a high schooler. Thinking about doing a volunteer abroad program?Read our guide to learnif volunteering abroad is really a good idea and what you should look for when selecting a program. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Advanced Accounting Theory & Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Accounting Theory & Practice - Essay Example Since then, more and more countries are adopting IFRS.1 IASB sets down accounting standards for the accounting policies that a company under IFRS must follow. These accounting standards are in accordance with the requirements of Conceptual Framework which assist users of financial statements to take various financial decisions. IASB are in continuous effort to improve the accounting standards in order to prevent creative accounting practices by companies and help representing the true and fair view about the financial conditions and performance of the companies. IAS 1 which sets out guidelines regarding presentation of financial statements, its key features, changes in its recent revision by IASB, and finally criticism with regards to these changes, all have been covered in this study. Effects of changes in IAS 1 on Coca Cola Co. have also been studied. Key Features of IAS 1 Objective IAS 1 sets the guidelines to be followed in the presentation of financial statements made by an orga nisation. The presentation is made for the purpose of comparability with the company’s financial statements related to preceding periods. It also ensures that the financial statements of the company can be compared with other business entities as well. IAS 1 includes comprehensive requirements about how the financial statements are presented, rules about what would be its structure and the minimum requirements about what its contents will include.... cial statements are presented, rules about what would be its structure and the minimum requirements about what its contents will include.2 Scope IAS 1 is applicable to all the financial statements which are made for general purposes and is in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Financial statements used for general purposes are prepared with the intention that it would be required by the person who do not require financial reports to be used by them to cater to some particular information requirement.3 Financial Statements and its Components According to IAS 1, financial statements comprises of the following five components: 1. Balance Sheet: It is a statement which depicts the financial position of a business entity at the end of the period. 2. Income Statement: It is a statement explaining the comprehensive income of a business entity at the end of the period. 3. Statement of Shareholders’ Equity: It is a statement showing the increase or decr ease in equity of the business entity for the period. 4. Cash Flow Statement: It is a statement showing the cash flows of the business entity for the noted period. 5. Notes: It comprises of the accounting policies followed by the business entity in a summarised form. It also includes other explanatory notes of the business entity.4 IAS 1 does not require a business entity to use the same titles of the financial statements as stated above. They can use other titles as well. If we look at the annual reports of Coca Cola Co. for the year ending on December 31, 2011, we can find that all these components of financial statements are mentioned. Along with these there are other reports prepared by Coca Cola like, Report of Management, Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, etc. which

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Heracles In Euripides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Heracles In Euripides - Essay Example Hatred allowed the violence that followed toward Lycus. The madness that overtook Heracles is a weakness of the mind. The mentally ill today are treated like villains for having a mental condition. The killing of his family certainly would make Heracles a villain by current standards. Finally, Heracles was a villain for threatening to commit suicide, but then backing out. No one likes a quitter. Today’s standards would paint Heracles as a villain. Heracles put the needs of Theseus over his family allowed Lycus an opportunity to attack. Today, more marriages suffer from either the man or woman’s friends coming in between them. Theseus was rescued from Hades, but Heracles unknowingly sacrificed his family. Being with a friend, instead of a spouse or family is selfish. When an individual is out helping a friend, but tragedy strikes their family the man can be considered a villain then and now. During the setting of this play, Heracles can been seen as a hero. He saved Theseus from Hades. It is heroic to save a friend from hell, figuratively and literally. Heracles battled for his friend’s soul. Sacrifice for one’s friend is a virtuous act. For saving a friend during the play’s setting, Heracles was a hero at that time. The sight of Heracles’ family in death masks were overwhelming for him emotionally. Love for his family incapacitated him. After finding out Lycus took power and captured his family hatred took over. Love made Heracles act quickly without thinking. The first thought of killing Lycus was barbaric. Violence should never be the answer. If this had happened today, Heracles would have been put in jail. Villains use violence. Sometimes it takes a hero to stop the violence. Heracles was not that hero. A long time ago Heracles would have been considered a hero for killing his family’s attempted assassin. Justice was given by men, not courts back then. Protecting his father and wife would have been a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Health care professional inerview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health care professional inerview - Essay Example These tasks are done both in the hospital setup, at the home of patients, within the community schools as well as in industries. Community paramedics thus deliver services to emergencies with the main objectives of prevention of health harm. Paramedics offer their services round the clock to address the health concern of people in the community. This work mainly targets those whose capacity is impaired and the vulnerable members with the intention of achieving a universal coverage of health. Vickie L. Martin elaborated that a typical day for a community paramedics is one parameter that is difficult to predict. She states that a paramedic officer is an individual trained to be prepared all the time for an emergency whether on duty or off duty. A typical day for a paramedic officer can begin by responding to an emergency entailing fire outbreak or flood. Paramedics are responsible for the resuscitation of the victims of the crisis, offering first aid services and transferring those in need of special health services to a health care facility. The duty of a paramedic can take unpredictable duration in an emergency sport. Nevertheless, community paramedics are trained to offer their services within the shortest time possible as a way of allowing time to respond to other situations. The day is equally spent reporting emergency services to the relevant authority as well as collaborating with other health care workers to deliver services in hospital and community setting. A community paramedic works in a multivariate practice setting, these include in the community, giving services to the community. A professional in this field can equally practice in a health facility as well as in the research institutions. Working in an environment that demand speed in action, community paramedics work with the ambulance services as well as with the emergency airlift services for quick delivery of health care needs. According to Vickie L. Martin, the requirements

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Police Light Circuit Design

Police Light Circuit Design Introduction Police light have been around for years, since then they have developed drastically, with technology moving forward so have aspects of police light and how they are made, developed and manufactured nowadays. In the 1940s authorities used single beacon lights, which was placed on top of their cars. Early 1990s the single beacon lights became less common as light bars where introduced, they became popular and replaced the single beacon light. Police lights are a significant aspect of many emergency vehicles, as its one of their most recognisable features, which informs the public that indeed the given vehicles is an emergency vehicle. This system is controlled by in system controls within the vehicle itself, which allow the user to have full control of the lights system, determine how and when the lights come on or go off, and even how the police light behave in terms of how they flash. This system is used in the case of an emergency, the user will turn it on whenever there is an emergency, as a result the public will be aware that that given vehicle is an emergency vehicle, this allows the public to respond with necessary action, in that given situation. Principle behind the circuit Circuit diagram Required components Hardware NE555 Bipolar Timer 4017 Decade Counter 1N4148 Diode 1.2K Resistor 10K Resistor 470 Resistor 4.7uF Electrolytic Capacitor (50V) BC547 NPN Transistor LED 10K POT Switch Software Proteus 8 professional Windows 10 Components used Resistor When trying to resist the flow of alternating or direct electric circuit a resistor can be used in order to perform that action, this piece of component is placed in the electric circuit, depending on the circuit and how it functions the location of where the resisters are placed will vary. In electronic circuits a resistor is typically used to either limit or divide the current, protect an electric circuit or reduce voltage. When the charged particles(electrons) move from one region to another it is known as electric current. the shape of a resistor is cylindrical. There are many different types of resistors that have different values, when using resistors, you can identify the value of the resistor by looking at colour coding, resistors have something known as a colour band, a resistor can have 3,4 or 5 colour bands, depending on the resistor value. When the temperature is constant the current density is directly proportional to the electric field, which obeys ohms law. Capacitor A component such as a capacitor can be used when needing to store an electric charge. When electrical energy is added to the capacitor it is known as charging, however when energy is release from the capacitor it is known as discharging. A capacitor has two metal plates, which are separated by a non-touching layer which is called a dielectric. Electricity from a direct current or an electrostatic source charges one of the plates. When power is supplied through a circuit electrical charge will gradually build up in the plates. While one plate gains a positive charge, the will gain a negative charge. When you integrated a capacitor within a circuit that might contain a lamp or motor, the charge of the capacitor flow through the lamp or motor, until there is no charge remaining gin the plates. The capacitance of a capacitor is the amount of electrical energy the capacitor can store, the bigger the capacitance the more electrical energy it can store. There are a wide range of capacitors available on the market, such as Air, Mica and Paper, depending on the intended purpose, different capacitors are used. Transistor A component such as a transistor is a device which is used to transforms current flow from a low resistance to al high resistance path. A transistor is a solid-state device which contains a piece semi conducting material, which can usually be silicon or germanium. When negatively charged, electrons are present we call a transistor an n-type transistor, because it contains donor impurity atoms. However, when positively charged electrons are present we call a transistor an p-type transistor, because it contains acceptor impurity atoms. Flow chart Advantages User control Ease of use No mercury in LED Cheap Light up quckly Disadvantages Colour shift Constant flow of voltage and current Applications future enchancments Light patterns changing how thy flash

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Cultural and Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous Essay ex

The Cultural And Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous. The Subculture of N.A is a life outside of any expectations formed by the main Cultural Influence. It is a very private organization that I belong to which became a way of life for me. It has values, traditions, beliefs, sanctions and roles. This is the only outside influence in my life that made me develop meaning to my life again. I was a complete and total crack addict who finally hit the bottom of the barrel and started looking for a way to climb out of the grave I dug myself into. Narcotics Anonymous is a group that has taught me many values. They have twelve values, twelve traditions, and twelve steps. As a group we learn to accept all of the above for mentioned beliefs. There is what you call a home group. That is your main meeting session with your sponsor, (if you choose to have one which is recommended), sharing time, to talk about whatever you choose i.e. your day, if there was a relapse, a stressful day, and just trying to talk to others who understand every struggle we have on a daily basis to stay clean. N.A‘s Values are as follows: 1. Trust: Bonding from addict to addict. 2. Loyalty: Acts of contribution (since they are a self sustaining group). 3. Submission to the spiritual life because that is instilled in many ways especially since it is a part of Traditions, Twelve Steps and values. 4. Courage to change, 5.Caring and sharing, 6.Spiritual Humility, 7. Courage to try, 8. Sincerity: Honest Intentions, 9. Integrity: Honest Intentions, 10. Perseverance and Good Faith, 11. Conscious contact with our higher power, 12. And most importantly: Living Clean. To live by these values is sometimes very hard. The beliefs would be like the Narc... or more to be sponsors, group leaders and other appointed officials. As a result from their hard work it has obviously helped Narcotics Annoonymous. They have grown so much since 1973 when the organization was first incorporated into Society. They have now reached 100 countries and 31,000 meetings weekly. (This Group is na class of its own. It helps people achieve what they want (sobriety), while also teaching them rules and values, and the tools that you need in life to succeed sober. Personally, I believe it is a subculture that is growing due to the fact that more and more are turning to drugs to cope with reality. Eventually when people decide to accept a higher being which has power over them, they will turn to N.A. either after rehab or on their own. Either way if they are open to help they will turn to us. As living proof I am 508 days sober.)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Columbian Exchange in America and Europe Essay

The Columbian Exchange had dramatic demographic effects in both the Americas and Europe. One major factoring concerning both of the two regions was the spread of new diseases causing a decline in the growth of both the America’s and Europe’s population. However, the impact tended to be much more negative for the Americans. Through the Columbian exchange the Europeans brought multiple new diseases to the Native American population, including small pox. The coming of these diseases had such a great influence and caused the population to decrease so much it became known as the great dying. On the other hand, new diseases were being brought to Europe as well from European sailors after â€Å"intermixing† with natives. The main disease being brought was syphilis. Although not necessarily as harmful as the diseases that killed off the current populations of the America’s syphilis caused a major problem in the population growth of further centuries due to the infertility problems that came along with syphilis. Another demographic change brought along by the Columbian exchange was that of the intermixing of cultures and decline in 100% native citizens, primarily in the Americas with coming of the Europeans. The Columbian exchange brought little Americans back to Europe causing little intermixing. However with the coming of Spanish into Mexico and Peru, a new population of mixed-race emerged, otherwise known as mestizo, which soon became a common feature of colonial socities. Another factor that the Columbian Exchange brought to Europe and the America’s was the introduction of new agricultural products. For, the America’s this meant the bringing of new crops such as wheat and barley to be grown, yet not necessarily immediately becoming a staple of ones diet, though for Europe new agricultural products brought a lasting environmental effect on their dry hard to grow soil. With the introduction of products such as tomatoes, tobacco, and especially potatoes new products were able to be grown in these hard living areas and certain environmental factors that once held societies back from population growth were now being put to use for the better of the region. In addition to agriculture making an environmental impact the coming of new livestock also had a lasting effect on the Americas. Through the exchange, Europeans brought cattle, horses, and pigs to the America’s all thriving in the environment and soon become very prominent and numerous in their new surroundings, soon becoming associated with their new habitat. On the contrary, little livestock was brought back from the Americas creating little change in the livestock and indigenous species of the European region. One more environmental effect due to the Columbian exchange, was the Columbian exchanges impact on the over extensive mining of silver in the Americas. This mining led to deforestation and acid mine drainage led to a decline in the population os species in nearby aquatic habtitats. Not to mention, having the devastating demographic impact on the Americas in the aspect that these regions where silver as mined lost many men, due to the harsh and risky working conditions set in the mines†¦ just to extract silver!! From 1450 to 1750, the Columbian exchange brought new ideas, life and diseases to Europe and the Americas leaving lasting demographic and environmental impacts, however with the rise of mercantilism in Europe and their eager desire to integrate their society into the Americas a more negative and dramatic effect was placed on the surroundings and growth of the population..

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kerouac’s America: Jazz and Life on the Road Essay

Jack Kerouac’s On the Road portrays the entire spectrum of American experience- from the migrant worker to the deranged artist to the Midwestern farmer. All of these discordant figures he blends together into one tapestry, creating a picture of the United States that, even if sometimes bleak, is always sympathetic. Kerouac’s vision of America is best reflected through his observations on jazz and life on the road. Jazz has often been called the only truly American art form and its place in On the Road is appropriately significant. When Kerouac writes of be-bop jam sessions he describes these events as decidedly more violent, more passionate, and more alive than the typical concert. In one instance, a saxophonist’s solo drives Dean Moriarty into a trance, â€Å"clapping his hands, [and] pouring sweat on the man’s keys†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (198). Sal and Dean use jazz as a means of breaking through the staid conformity of 1950s America, feeding off its infectious energy. Having grown intolerant of dull, prosaic experience Sal proclaims, â€Å"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (5). On the Road itself is the product of such a creative frenzy, full of wild run-on sentences and disjointed syntax. The urgency apparent in Jazz is also at the root of Sal and Dean’s travels across the country. They roam from coast to coast oftentimes without any concrete motivation besides the joy of the ride and an innate restlessness. They seek to somehow transcend the physical world through drugs or sex or non-stop conversation, but never quite reach the â€Å" ‘IT,’† of which Dean speaks to Sal. Jazz does allow them to approach something near this quasi-religious transcendence and thus, they enshrine jazz musicians as saints, or even gods. In one instance, Dean adamantly refers to the blind pianist George Shearing as â€Å" ‘Old God Shearing! ’† and to his empty piano seat as â€Å" ‘God’s empty chair† (128). The Jazz clubs operate as secular churches for Sal and his companions, places where spirituality can be revitalized and restored. The â€Å"Beat† figures portrayed in On the Road do not seek to destroy social and religious traditions, as many would suggest, but rather to restore some of their soulfulness, their purity. Jazz, at its best, serves as medium to help usher in this new paradigm. Kerouac asserts that, in a way, America’s true religion is its music. Nowhere in On the Road is the American scene painted as well as on Sal’s first experience with life on the road. That initial experience, as well as those that follow it, lends Sal a deeper insight into a set of truly American types. He meets with drifters, farm boys, and migrant workers hitching a ride on the back of a pickup truck. The feeling of easy camaraderie between the fellow hitchhikers is nowhere to be found in contemporary America- the farm boys’ call â€Å" ‘sroom for everybody’† recalls a much different time (22). Kerouac’s America moves not only at the break neck pace of a Charlie Parker saxophone solo, but also slows to the pace of characters like Mississippi Gene whose â€Å"language [is] melodious and slow† (23). Whereas life in the city is characterized by loud jazz played late into the night, life on the road is filled with slow, melodious voices like that of Mississippi Gene. Mississippi Gene also brings out the dark side of life on the road, telling Sal that he’ll â€Å" ‘folly a man down an alley’† if he ever needs money (23), though most of the characters Sal meets are described as â€Å"grateful and gracious† (28). By hitchhiking, Sal is able to form genuine bonds with folks just struggling to get by, and this sense of egalitarian fellowship pervades his journey. The road not only allows Sal to meet people he might not ordinarily come in contact with, but also to gain more knowledge of himself. When Dean cries out at the beginning of one journey that â€Å"we should realize what it would mean to us to understand  that we’re not really  worried about anything,† one senses that traveling, for Sal and Dean, is as much about letting go of yourself as it is about getting to your destination. Sal, however, never seems to achieve this letting go, weighed down by a cry of â€Å"What gloom! † (52). But there are moments in which he approaches that ecstatic state Dean refers to as â€Å"IT,† as in a conversation on one cross-country trip with Dean, where Sal describes â€Å"our final excited joy in talking and living† (209). But of course, On the Road portrays experience much more varied than pure wide-eyed ecstasy. The aforementioned dark side of life on the road looms everywhere in the novel and extends further than just the possibility of being mugged or assaulted. There is also the problem of too much freedom- the possibility that one will roam so much that one will permanently lose one’s center. Dean’s New York apartment contains â€Å"the same battered trunk stuck out from under the bed, ready to fly,† suggesting that no matter where he goes, his soul is always on the road (250). One begins to wonder if Sal and Dean’s journeys are motivated as much by an attempt to escape themselves as to see the country. But though the trials of the road leads Sal at a one point to lament that he’s â€Å"sick and tired of life† (106), he also â€Å"figures the gain† of traveling above its inevitable losses. Here, Kerouac subverts business terminology like â€Å"loss† and â€Å"gain,† and gives them a spiritual import, illuminating the central thrust of On the Road- Americans should start thinking about spiritual profit rather than just economic dominance. Accruing such spiritual profit involves taking risks and being able to embrace the freedom to travel uncharted physical, mental, and spiritual territory. This underlying principle of freedom is at the root of both jazz and life on the road, whether one is exploring a landscape or the nuances of a musical phrase. In On the Road, Jack Kerouac wrote of an America that celebrated these freedoms.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Implementing The Total Quality Management Management Essay Essay Example

Implementing The Total Quality Management Management Essay Essay Example Implementing The Total Quality Management Management Essay Essay Implementing The Total Quality Management Management Essay Essay Entire quality direction could specify as a doctrine which aims to develop a uninterrupted betterment and a better overall public presentation. When we mentioned the TQM, we have to advert Edward Deming ( 1900-1994 ) as a male parent of the quality direction ( Fulop A ; Rosier, Geore1, 1995 ) . Deming argued that employees were merely responsible for less than 15 % of the production errors and the remainder was due to the bad direction. Consequently, he puts 14 points each one of them like a strategic program for the top directors in order to better the overall organisation public presentation, merchandise quality and increase the client satisfaction ( citation ) . When the company using the TQM attacks, the organisation s civilization and strategic programs should be enhanced and improved every bit good as the employee s attitude towards the quality civilization in order to use a successful TQM patterns like leading and committedness, client focal point, uninterrupted betterment, get things right first clip, merely in clip and benchmarking. The organisation productiveness is one of the internal indexs which measures the organisational public presentation and developing in the concern. The execution of the TQM successful patterns has a direct and indirect impact on the organisation productiveness which affects the overall concern public presentation. In malice of using the TQM approaches adding more cost on the company budget, the concluding consequences by bettering merchandises quality and productiveness, increasing clients satisfaction and the market portion will be returned back positively in the company gross growing and the profitableness. List of Figures List of Tables List of Acronyms Acronym Definition TQM Entire Quality Management JIT Merely in Time DMAIC define, step, analyze, better and command Table of Contentss Chapter 1. Introduction This research analyze the impact of implementing the entire quality direction attacks as an independent variable on the organisation productiveness as a dependant variable. Problem Statement. To what extent the impact of implementing the entire quality direction attacks on the organisation productiveness. As a traditional construct, there is a reveres relationship between productiveness and quality. If the quality is additions to run into the client satisfaction, the productiveness will diminish due to much more procedure and processs to accomplish the needed quality which means increasing in unit monetary value and diminishing in market portion. This literature reappraisal is look intoing the relationship between the execution of the Total Quality Management attacks and patterns and from the other side the administration productiveness. Importance of the survey. As a fact, the execution of the TQM patterns increasing the company entire budget which may be considered as a negative consequence on the company profitableness. Consequently ; in this research we investigate the impact of implementing the TQM attacks, and the effectivity on the organisation productiveness and if it will consequences positively or negatively on the concluding company profitableness every bit good as look into the traditional construct of the negative relationship between quality and productiveness of the merchandise and services. Research Questions. What the significance of the entire quality directions? How we could use the TQM constructs? What is the significance of the organisation productiveness? How we could better the organisation productiveness? To what extent the implement of the TQM attacks and patterns affect the organisation productiveness? What is the impact of using the Six Sigma as one of the TQM attacks on the organisation productiveness? Chapter 2. The Entire Quality Management The Total Quality direction doctrine. The Total Quality Management ( TQM ) could specify as a concern doctrine which initiated and developed to run into clients satisfaction. In the last 50 old ages, The TQM attacks and patterns was applied in most international companies across the universe. By how the TQM as a direction doctrine was perceived, it had different impact on the organisation s civilizations, quality, productiveness, profitableness, invention, and client satisfaction ( Emison, 2004 ) . Historical reappraisal. Early 1950 Edwards Deming ( 1900-1994 ) one of the entire quality direction fathers- declared his hypothesis that the quality and productiveness are incompatible. Deming was an American statistician and worked in the industrial field so he struggled to convert the American industrialists to use his premise and better their merchandise quality. As it was the production epoch and the prevailing doctrine in that period is direction by production, Deming s thoughts were ignored ( halachmi A ; G. Bouckaert, 1995 ) . In the other side of the universe ; in Japan, they perceived Deming thoughts with different mentality. Japan economic system was in critical place as the Second World War had destroyed all the state s substructure. No organic structure today could conceive of that in those yearss when you found any merchandise stamped with Made in Japan it was means a really bad quality and Japan was non considered as one of the fabrication states. Thankss to Deming who made the transmutation in the Nipponese industries after using his direction doctrine by bettering measure by step their merchandise s quality and increase the productiveness boulder clay makes japan one of the large industries states. In the American industry crisis, Deming said it is a direction mistake as they concerned in the short term net income and disregarding the new inventions, bettering quality, and achieve the client satisfaction. Harmonizing to Deming doctrine, employees are responsible for less than 15 % of the production mistakes and the other 85 % because of the bad direction ( halachmi A ; G. Bouckaert, 1995 ) . Deming besides summarized his thoughts in 14 points for direction as per ( Figure 1. ) Figure. Deming s 14 points for direction ( halachmi A ; G. Bouckaert, 1995 ) Each one of that 14 Deming s thoughts was developed to be attack, scheme, and common pattern which implementing in most international company across the universe. TQM attacks and patterns. The chief aim of this subdivision is to reexamine the constructs and execution of TQM attacks and patterns. The most of import thing in understanding TQM constructs is to cognize TQM doctrine and how to use. Using TQM means it hold to be a portion of the organisation s civilization as everyone and everything through all employees degrees and a cross all the organisation maps should be subjected to that system. TQM focused on the long term concern public presentation so it concerned in all the organisation s influences inside and outside. TQM concern in teamwork, leading, employees involved, acknowledgment and wages, uninterrupted quality betterment, client satisfaction, and competitory benchmarking ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . Organization civilization. The organisation civilization as a mentality controlled all the organisation s schemes and executions. TQM patterns are implemented in organisations could be limited by the organisation civilization based on the organisation orientation scheme. As per an imperial research which focused on the relation between the TQM execution and the organisational civilization in one of the building company in Singapore, the research worker range to the undermentioned decision: a balanced and strong organisational civilization facilitates TQM execution with its coincident internal/external and flexible/controlled orientations . And they added two recommendations as followerss: ( 1 ) Alteration of organisational civilization in response to the diagnosing on the weak cultural facets that require munition. ( 2 ) Adaptation of TQM patterns to better accommodate the prevalent organisational civilization so that speedy consequences can be attained. ( Yong A ; Low Sui Pheng, 2008 ) . Teamwork. Harmonizing to Mabey A ; Salaman ( 1995 ) , teamwork is one of the most of import attack in TQM execution which is widely used and turning in most companies all over the universe. Teamwork could be a proper tool to work out twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours work job as merchandise quality, public presentation, cost, bringing of merchandise and services. A successful pattern could be happened when the organisation depend on the teamwork for pull offing struggles, alterations, implementing programs, and work outing jobs this build the sense of sharing and involvement inside each organisation s members which improve the communicating and trust and developing mutuality ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . The organisation should construct a quality environment, developed a squad attack, actuating people, and training them to portion cognition, and any new and advanced thoughts which leads to accept and experience duty. Continuous betterment teamwork requires uninterrupted communicating, concerted, and part between all the squad members. This is what is called synergetic partnership ( Tjosvold A ; Choy Wong, 1994 ) . The two major constituents moving in the quality betterment squad are content and procedure. By other plants the designed quality programs which contents undertakings and processs in order to accomplish the aims. The quality squad is non a separate people, it is a squad created from the same people who involved in production and operation system. They held meetings in regular footing to discourse how to better their plants quality, productiveness, cut downing costs, and portion any other thoughts which return on the benefit of the organisation. This influence in people motivation as they make up ones minding the action program which they have to use by themselves ( Kanji A ; Asher, Mike, 1993 ) . Customer focal point. Complying with client s delectation is the indispensable thing for success in today s concern. Administrations that understand what clients truly want and provide a merchandise or service to run into these demands could acquire step further in competitory advantage and net income. As a pattern for an administration to accomplish this aim, TQM approaches provide an administration continually analyze its quality system to see if it is meets the alteration in client demands or non ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to the TQM attacks and patterns implementation the word customer does nt intend merely the terminal user of the organisation s merchandise and services merely, but besides all interest holders in the quality ironss which includes the internal organisation members and besides the external organisation providers. Everybody in the organisation is a portion of the client satisfaction mark even if he do nt had a direct contact with the client but he should see his co-workers as his client and meets their demands in order to allow them to run into the concluding client or the terminal user delectation. From the other manus the organisation external providers is besides a portion of the organisation quality concatenation and they must use the organisation s quality program which design and oriented harmonizing to the terminal user demands. The administration must see and understand the relevancy of every occupation to the whole concatenation. Under this impression, a coordination of the whole administration can be guaranteed, and all attempt will at last contribute to improved external client satisfaction ( Filippini, Forza, C. , A ; Vinelli, A. , 1998 ) . The organisation should set up a client s satisfaction mensurating mechanism in order to supervise any alteration in the costumier gustatory sensation or demands. The regular studies and provender dorsums should be raised to the organisation direction in order to accommodate the production procedure, the implementing schemes, and the internal processs consequently. This is for maintaining the organisation in uninterrupted betterment and had the client sense. Many methods could be applied such as market research, asking gross revenues staff, and rivals benchmarking can be used to roll up information ( Tjosvold A ; Choy Wong, 1994 ) . Continuous betterment. You could recognize how the uninterrupted betterment as a nucleus of TQM is of import, when you study the illustration of Nipponese companies after the Second World War and how they shifted and the transformed by using the uninterrupted betterment attacks. This rule focused on the long-run acquisition and cognition accretion which ceaseless. Opportunities to develop better methods for transporting out work ever exist, and a committedness to uninterrupted betterment ensures that people will neer halt larning about the work they do ( Juran, 1969, Deming, 1986, Ishikawa, 1985 ) ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . Dean A ; Bowen ( 1994 ) identified a figure of techniques that are used in organisations implementing entire quality enterprises, including flow charts, Pareto analyses, statistical procedure control, and fishbone diagrams. The uninterrupted betterments application could be depending on to how widen the organisation s leader believes in it. From a leading point of position, it will be easier to use the uninterrupted betterments system, when the directors and leaders hold the same values and he insist to reassign those values in action programs and stress to use it. The consequences will be much more positive as they are more unfastened minded to any new thoughts, experiments, and inventions to make a agency of obtaining betterment. The effectivity of quality leaders will change as a direct map of the grade to which they efficaciously communicate the importance of uninterrupted betterment of both procedures and results to the members of their unit ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . The most of import thing in order to maintain the uninterrupted betterment attack working in administrations is the measuring system for quality and public presentation. The bing traditional public presentation measuring systems and public presentation steps and developed from bing and accounting systems, are considered as non really good suited to the TQM environment. Because it have a deficiency of flexibleness, deficiency of strategic focal point, non covering public presentations relative to the competitory capablenesss, non promoting uninterrupted betterment. Administrations need to implement TQM hence face a necessity of happening alterations in public presentation measuring so that the steps they use will, among others, include difficult and soft steps and reflect both direction and employee position ( Kumar, Kumar, Vinod. , de Grosbois, Danuta. , A ; Choisne, Franck. , 2009 ) . Jonsson and Lesshammar ( 1999 ) identified the undermentioned features of a public presentation measuring system consistent with the uninterrupted betterment doctrine of TQM: The measuring system translates the corporate and concern schemes to all degrees of the administration. The measuring system integrates all maps, activities and procedures along the supply concatenation. The measuring system makes productiveness control and comparing between internal map possible. The system interacts with clients and measures the degree of client satisfaction. The measuring system non merely works as inactive control, but is alternatively used for uninterrupted betterment. The measuring system is simple and dynamic, since several dimensions are to be included and since the fortunes for measuring are fast changing ( Kumar, Kumar, Vinod. , de Grosbois, Danuta. , A ; Choisne, Franck. , 2009 ) . Leadership and committedness. One of the most of import attacks in TQM execution is the leading. Harmonizing to ( Gilbert, 1992 ) leading is the quality in a individual that led the others to follow. ( Oakland, 1995 ) argued that started of TQM execution must started from the organisation top direction. In a TQM execution, effectual leading should develop a clear mission statement and so construct up schemes to back up the mission. The top direction demands to place the critical success factors and to reexamine the direction construction. The leading must guarantee that the rules of quality direction are implemented right and in a uninterrupted footing. Furthermore, part by senior direction is non plenty. They have to be wholly engaged in TQM which supported by senior directors and that they are serious approximately quality as a portion of their believes and the administration civilization. So another of import thing is promoting effectual employee to take part in the TQM. Employees are the people who do things right and leading are the people who do right things ( Puffer A ; McCarthy, Daniel J. , 1996 ) . Many quality experts believe that the key to successful direction of quality Begins at the top of the organisation. But harmonizing to ( Waldman, 1993 ) , senior directors are responsible for using the organisation system and monitoring to what widen the merchandise and services meets the original designed schemes and aims. So the quality betterment procedure must get down with the both top and mid direction values and committedness to entire quality system which reflected on the terminal merchandise and services. ( Lakshman, 2006 ) Added that the success of center and lower degree leader will reflect in the organisation civilization and how smooth and systematic the organisation applied the TQM attacks and execution across all map and procedure as design, using, mensurating, monitoring, and feedback. Consequently, leading can be seen as that combination of believes, values, attitudes, and behaviours that consequence in the effectual long-run public presentation of organisations. Get things right first clip. The different between reactive ( waiting for something to go on ) and proactive ( making something before anything happens ) is the same different between TQM and the traditional quality control in supervising and review ( Gaither, 2002 ) . It means that everyone must prosecute and stimulate to seek to acquire things right first clip to cut down review and waste. This spirit is besides called zero defects . Bank ( 1992 ) argue that right first clip or zero defects is the consequence of high concern in using the attack by acquiring things right first clip and prevent and errors, in add-on to add more attempt in measuring, procedure controls and the data-driven riddance of waste and mistake ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . Right first clip have to go in people mind set and perceived as a public presentation criterion. It has changed the fixed and traditional thoughts like failure is normal in normal work patterns. In order to carry through high administration s public presentation effectivity and efficiency, direction has set uping and disciplined to cut down mistakes and errors in the normal and everyday work rhythm. It requires that the procedure should be continually reviewed and improved. It besides required to a great extent communicating, staff treatment, and problem-solving. Right first clip is one of the direction methods of TQM that gives a manner of puting marks and recognizing the success of squads that meet them, so encouraging hereafter attempts ( Larson A ; Kerr, Stephen G, 2007 ) . Merely in clip ( JIT ) . As all TQM attacks and executions aim to increase the productiveness, efficiency, effectivity and cut down errors, cost, and procedure clip, JIT could considered as one of the difficult attacks of the TQM procedure. Harmonizing to ( Haag et al. , 1998 ) JIT means to run into the client satisfaction by presenting or bring forthing the right merchandise at the right clip and in the right topographic point without waste . The success in using JIT attack means success in using the TQM system as you could nt use JIT in isolation of other attacks. JIT engineering improves velocity and the overall productiveness, extinguishing the waiting clip of workers and officers, and placing their duty ; hence, cut downing the stock of stock list between phases and cutting down work-in-progress. As a consequence of lower stock list, shorter processing and lead times are besides achieved. From a entire quality point of position, JIT uses the minimal sum of resources including stuffs, people, and insta llations, responds instantly on demand, to run into client s demands precisely ( Drummond, 1992 ) . Furthermore, through a JIT plan, an administration can acquire the procedure right before production. The chance of defects is reduced ( Eker A ; Pala, Fikri. , 2008 ) . When implementing JIT, Oakland ( 1989 ) suggested a two phase procedure: Establish foundations. Introduce nucleus techniques. Establishing foundations means the organisation overall environment have to be suited to JIT attack application. The company must be designed, organised, and managed to accomplish quality, low cost, minimal lead times and high flexibleness ( Wilkinson, 1998 ) . The 2nd phase involves presenting some nucleus techniques including visibleness, JIT buying, multi-function work force and enforced betterment. This means that everybody in the organisation has to understand the JIT system required re-organization which is sometimes termed a guerilla method of production ( Cullen A ; Holligum, 1987 ) . JIT besides aims to be extremely reacting to any alteration in client demands by easy and smoothly manner. Accordingly it needs a staff who understands a assortment of maps harmonizing to procedure demands so the organisation has to maintain attending to the employee engagement particularly those who straight face alterations ( Lau, 2000 ) . Employee engagement. The human betterment as a portion of the industry is the chief nucleus of all TQM doctrine. The TQM execution should be affecting all employees in decision-making, problem-solving, and the fiscal success of the house. That is means TQM stress that all degree of employees across all the organisation maps and subjects have to go more closely and related to the administration s ends and aims ( Collard, 1989 ) . The basic construct is that everyone is responsible for bring forthing quality goods and services, run intoing client demands, and accomplishing a company TQM scheme. Everyone is in control of their work and is able to take part in the concern of the administration. Engagement means to authorise employees, give them information, increase their cognition and reward quality public presentation ( Oliver, 1998 ) . Empowerment normally requires a alteration in the administration s substructure which means giving up authorization by senior direction. This rule demands the whole administration use the quality program and every portion has its ain part. It besides requires employee engagement to continuously better quality and increase productiveness. The doctrine has been implied non merely in all phases but besides in about every facet of TQM, such as committedness, run intoing client demands, and Just-in-time ( Emison, 2004 ) . As a portion from inquiring every member of staff to take part in the quality procedure, an administration should besides pay attending to shared duty. Persons and groups have common aims but different undertakings. So they must make their ain work good and understand the work of others to do certain the whole procedure operates efficaciously ( Yusuf, Gunasekaran, A ; Dan, 2007 ) . Recognition and wages. Recognition and wages are effectual incentives, public presentation and employee satisfaction. They are the factor of positive support for the people who know they are valuable members of the administration. Peoples will take to win them, non merely for themselves but besides for their squad. Recognition and wages are acknowledged and promoted for goal-related activities. Recognition should be provided for the right attempt and consequences, for squads and persons, for suggestions and accomplishments. But this does non ever intend money. It should bring forth the employees feeling of being appreciated, being approved, and holding equal acknowledgment. Reward can be given in many signifiers, times and topographic points but must be deserved. It should be appropriate to the state of affairs by being rank-ordered the higher the accomplishment, the higher the wages ( Besterfield, 1995 ) . It besides need be decently presented so that fellow employees can cognize about it and understand it. An administration must utilize acknowledgment and wages non to coerce people do things magnificently but to promote them to make so ( Allen A ; Kilmann, Ralph H. , 2001 ) . Competitive benchmarking. Benchmarking, one of the most of import attacks to TQM, is widely used by many companies to assist them go better in their market. The construct of Benchmarking is defined by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada as: A systematic and uninterrupted measuring procedure ; a procedure of continuously comparing and mensurating an administration s concern processes against concern leaders anyplace in the universe to derive information which will assist the administration take action to better its public presentation ( Parker A ; Harrison, 1995 ) . The intent of benchmarking is to supply a mark for bettering the public presentation of the administration in order to accomplish high quality in the market topographic point ( Canada, 93 ) . Apart from benchmarking with the leaders in the industry, the company besides needs to benchmark with its rivals public presentation. The purpose is to detect best patterns and follow them in the company to accomplish competitory advantages. Harmonizing to Bank ( 1992 ) , the competitory benchmarking procedure has five stairss: Decide what is traveling to be benchmarked. This may cover all sections and merchandises in the organisation every bit good as clients. Choose the rivals who are the best in footings of the facets that one s company wants to mensurate. Decide on the most appropriate measurings that will be used and develop a scheme for roll uping informations. Determine a rival s strengths and buttocks those strengths against one s ain public presentation. Develop an action program. In the procedure, people must hold the finding to larn from others because benchmarking involves happening spreads, job resolution, and uninterrupted alteration. The nexus between benchmarking and TQM is bettering public presentation based on industry best pattern and should straight lend to run intoing client demands ( Shah A ; Kleiner, Brian H. , 2011 ) . Chapter 3. The Organization productiveness. What is the significance of the organisation productiveness? The administration productiveness is the sum of end product per unit of input achieved by a concern organisation, industrial sector, or national economic system. In the field of human resource direction the primary involvement is in labour productiveness ; that is, the sum of end product per unit of labour input. Labour productiveness can be expressed in different ways, including the volume or value of end product per worker, per twenty-four hours, per displacement, or per person-hour. Labour productiveness can be increased by increasing working hours, adding intensive attempt, or bettering accomplishments. It can besides be raised by investing in laboursaving machinery or by betterments in the system of work and co-ordination of work activities. Attempts by employers to raise productiveness may be resisted by workers, peculiarly when these involve widening working clip or escalating attempt degrees ( Plowman, 2010 ) . How to better the organisation productiveness. The administration productiveness could be controlled and improved by different techniques as thin methods, Six Sigma, procedure re-engineering, and intercrossed attacks. However ; the most of import factor in control or better the administration productiveness is the measurement procedure and tools. Productivity steps are basically as a one of the nonfinancial public presentation steps associating inputs to end products. There are two types of productiveness steps: partial productiveness and entire factor productiveness. Partial productiveness measures the relation between input and end products, such as end product per worker or energy use per unit of end product. Entire factor productiveness measures the ratio of entire end products to entire inputs including capital. The assorted end products or inputs are aggregated utilizing mean gross portions. The end of productiveness measuring is to supply direction with prosodies that are utile for monitoring and bettering productiveness, by foregrounding countries that would profit from an addition or lessening in end products or inputs ( Johnston, 1995 ) . Increased planetary competition over the past two decennaries has forced U.S. makers to implement new fabricating schemes in an effort to increase productiveness. One such scheme, thin production, incorporates a broad assortment of direction patterns, including just-in-time ( JIT ) , entire quality direction ( TQM ) , cellular fabrication, and integrated supplier direction systems. It is believed that thin production methods finally yield a high-quality system, with high client satisfaction and about no waste ( Tanninen, Puumalainen, Kaisu, A ; Sandstrom, Jaana, 2010 ) . Chapter 4. The impact of implement the TQM attacks on the organisation productiveness. The impact of TQM on the organisation productiveness. Companies implement much direction, planning and controlling tools and hope that these executions will hold an consequence on their public presentation. However ; there is a trouble of carry oning researches in the administration public presentation factors although there are the measuring tools and techniques. This is because of the restriction in entree to the informations that enables nonsubjective measuring of effectivity every bit good as to supply dependable grounds on the causalities. Since we have alone net income unit flat longitudinal informations from a planetary industrial house, we propose to demo whether the entire quality direction ( TQM ) scheme has an consequence on profitableness, productiveness and client satisfaction ( Garcia-Bernal A ; Ramirez-Aleson, Marisa, 2010 ) . In an imperial survey it uses nonsubjective public presentation steps, the degree of analysis is the concern unit, the deepness of TQM execution is operated as the development of self-assessment tonss, and the significance of the age of TQM in assorted concern units is clearly noted. To set it more exactly, in the research analysis the research worker survey how the experience of TQM and the deepness of TQM execution affect the public presentation of the unit measured with client satisfaction, profitableness and productiveness. This survey aims at complementing bing research by the following foremost the productiveness ( dozenss per individual ) and client satisfaction ( client satisfaction measuring theoretical account ) are nonsubjective. Second, TQM is examined both with experience of the tool every bit good as with the end product that the organizational unit achieves with the tool ( the self-assessment tonss ) . The consequences indicate that TQM has an consequence on all type o f public presentation. There is, nevertheless, fluctuation in whether the consequence comes from the experience or deepness of TQM ( Tanninen, Puumalainen, Kaisu, A ; Sandstrom, Jaana, 2010 ) . The consequences shown that productiveness besides increased as the experience of the TQM attack increased. The consequences support e.g. the survey of Sun ( 1999 ) , where he found that all the TQM patterns contributed to the addition of client satisfaction and concern public presentation to a certain extent ; human resource development, quality scheme and quality leading were at the top in footings of part. It is good to retrieve, nevertheless, that none of the steps can vouch betterment entirely and at that place may besides be other factors act uponing the concern environment ( Tanninen, Puumalainen, Kaisu, A ; Sandstrom, Jaana, 2010 ) . The direction accounting and operations direction reviewed that the acceptance of advanced fabrication patterns optimally requires complementary alterations in the house s productiveness. This survey focuses on JIT fabrication as an engine of corporate productiveness. The consequences of this survey supply grounds that productiveness measuring mediates the relationship between public presentation results and investing in JIT patterns. This survey implies that a broader scope of productiveness measuring is good for both JIT and non-JIT workss, although workss that adopt more intensive JIT patterns benefit more. Besides, this survey implies that in order to suitably mensurate public presentation results in a JIT environment, the works should utilize industry-driven productiveness measures more intensively than idiosyncratic productiveness steps ( JEFFREY L. CALLEN, MINDY MOREL, , A ; CHRISTINA FADER. , 2005 ) . JIT workss should utilize a broader scope of productiveness steps than non-JIT workss in equilibrium, as illustrated in Figure 2. Figure. Optimum figure of productiveness steps JIT versus non-JIT workss ( JEFFREY L. CALLEN, MINDY MOREL, , A ; CHRISTINA FADER. , 2005 ) . Six Sigma execution and the organisation productiveness. As a historical prevue, Motorola created the construct of Six Sigma in the mid-1980s to better the public presentation of cardinal procedures, productiveness and quality and at the same clip cut down costs ( Bhote and Bhote 1991, Chan and Spedding 2001, Anand et al. 2007 ) . The chief factor behind its development was uninterrupted betterment in the industry of complex devices affecting a big figure of parts with a high chance of defects in the terminal merchandise. At the same clip, clients were demanding that Motorola improve quality in their concluding merchandise offerings. This external driver supported the demand for uninterrupted betterment ( IWAARDEN, T. VAN DER WIELE, B. DALE, R. WILLIAMS, A ; B. BERTSCH, 2008 ) . The end of Six Sigma is value creative activity through quality betterment. The procedure by which this is attained would affect preparation of employees in tools and techniques every bit good as a job work outing protocol. Six Sigma makes usage of quality technology methods within a defined job work outing construction to place and extinguish beginnings of fluctuation to give productiveness, runing effectivity, client satisfaction, etc. ( Bhote and Bhote 1991, McFadden 1993, Harry and Schroeder 1999, Pande et Al. 2000, Linderman et al. 2003, Pyzdek 2003, Linderman et al. 2005, Chen 2008, Li et Al. 2008 ) . It is based on the well-established quality direction thought of understanding and extinguishing the causes of fluctuation and robust designing for industry and assembly. Six Sigma gives these well-established techniques modern packaging to do them better applicable for non-quality professionals and to do them more commercially attractive. The well designed bottom-line benefits ac hieved by Motorola ( Feo De 2000 ) led to its acceptance by high profile organisations such as AlliedSignal ( now Honeywell ) and General Electric ( IWAARDEN, T. VAN DER WIELE, B. DALE, R. WILLIAMS, A ; B. BERTSCH, 2008 ) . Many of the aims of Six Sigma are similar to those of entire quality direction ( TQM ) ( e.g. client orientation and focal point, squad based activity, comprehensive instruction and preparation, and job work outing methodological analysis ) and it doubtless builds upon TQM. However, there are besides elements in Six Sigma that set it different from TQM: it requires clear fiscal additions within a limited clip frame ; employees involved receive a strict preparation plan ; and it is top-down driven. There are besides aspects of the Six Sigma methodological analysis contained within other techniques ( e.g. the constitution of statistical facilitators in statistical procedure control and the defined set of stages and Gatess which a undertaking undertaken by a quality circle is required to follow ) . However, there is no uncertainty that Six Sigma returns quality back to its roots, because it re-emphasizes technology and statistical analysis as nucleus elements of quality direction ( Chen A ; Chung, C.-H. , 1996 ) . The end of this technique is improve quality so that the mistake rate is reduced to 0.3 parts per million. The Six Sigma doctrine has two wide purposes: make an in-house capableness for quality betterment and usage that capableness to analyze concern procedures to bring forth high-quality merchandises with minimum fluctuations. There are five chiseled stairss on a Six Sigma undertaking to descry and take causes of fluctuation in public presentation and happen ways to command procedures: define, step, analyse, better and command ( DMAIC ) , In each measure sophisticated statistical and qualitative problem-solving techniques are used. Six Sigma is best applied to high-volume procedures where the consistence and quality of the merchandises are important. On smaller undertakings the degree of administration and statistical analysis it entails can go dearly-won. It is frequently used one time thin or process re-engineering techniques have been applied to take some of the more cardinal sig nifiers of waste, as it works better in concurrence with other methods and tends to present its benefits over the longer term. The success of a Six Sigma undertaking depends on holding extremely qualified practicians. Firms taking to develop this capableness must put important clip and money in developing their staff. They besides require a supportive direction doctrine ( IWAARDEN, T. VAN DER WIELE, B. DALE, R. WILLIAMS, A ; B. BERTSCH, 2008 ) . It s no surprise that Six Sigma widely used in the industry where bring forthing hi-tech goods for a big markets. Motorola successfully developed and applied the attack to mobile phone production. The technique has been applied in many other contexts, peculiarly high-volume processing concerns such as call Centres. Decision The Total Quality direction ( TQM ) is a concern doctrine established by Numberss of scientists and statisticians as ( Ishikawa 1985, Deming 1986, Cordon 1995 ) in order to better the production and meet clients demands and satisfaction. The basic function in the TQM execution is to alter the administration civilization from the traditional production and net income orientated civilization into quality and client oriented civilization. This is means altering in the direction production schemes and programs, developing plans, leading and motive scheme, competition scheme. TQM is non merely a quality programs or scheme demands to use, it is a type of civilization which required uninterrupted improving, measurement, and fast feedback. As a traditional construct, there is a negative relationship between the productiveness and the quality ; nevertheless, the execution of the TQM attacks and patterns have a direct positive impact on the administration public presentation as increasing the merchandise quality, the client satisfaction, and the employee s productiveness which reflect on the entire profitableness and the market portion. The empirical surveies approved that the execution of the TQM attacks like merely in clip ( JIT ) affect positively the productiveness of the works. Six Sigma considered as TQM approaches ; nevertheless, Six Sigma presents is loosely broad used by the different administration because it takes the fiscal position every bit good as the quality and productiveness into consideration. In the universe globalisation and free market economic system, the company and administration which needs to last should contentious better the quality of their offered merchandises and services ; concentrate on the client demands and satisfaction, taking and actuate the internal employees in order to increase the productiveness and maximise the profitableness.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Art Review on Piece of Art Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art Review on Piece of Art Work - Essay Example The woman in the piece equally has two necklaces that appear modern and trendy. The artist has also chosen to have the piece in black and white. Significance of the title The title Walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck’ is significant in its ability to draw attention to the piece because of its catchiness. It is not only catchy in rhymes that denote it but also prompts an observer to find deeper meaning on the work of art by provoking comparisons between quacking and the female body, that makes a significant part of the piece. The title is vague enough to elicit mixed interpretations yet narrow in an artistic way to provide a first impression opinion on the piece (Arnason & Mansfield, 2010). Attraction to the work The attraction to the work was from the unique combination of the hand and a woman’s upper body in the piece. On close examination, further interests grew in the sign symbol of the ‘head hand’ that aroused a connection between the piece and its ti tle. The combination opens the piece to a broad interpretation on whether the piece depicts woman as quacking ducks or have duck tendencies or if there is a deeper meaning than the gender issue in the work. On first observation, the piece may be interpreted as an illustration of modern women who whine and yap without much substance. From this perspective, the piece gives a picture of traditional stereotypes in modern women. Since time immemorial, women have been regarded as poor managers of their tongue with men depicted as more reasonable and laid back. This has an element of truth depending on one’s point of view; feminists totally disagree with the traditional depiction of women as loose talkers and lifetime gossipers while men have always seen their female counterparts as â€Å"mouths first and brains later† to imply that they usually talk without giving much thoughts to their utterances. Research has a revealed that a man uses about 15000 words per day while woman uses 30000 within the same day. I f this finding is true, then, feminists must agree with their male counterparts that women are indeed more talk and less thought as stereotyped by art the society (Butler & Mark, 2007). The modern woman is said to said to a more serious talker than her previous predecessors, this is subject to debate but should it be true, which it most likely is, then the piece lives to its title of ‘walks like a duck, quacks like a duck’. Art from the days of Leonardo Da Vinci, has been used to depict significant events and changes in a society, even to this date, art still serves that function and contemporary artists, in as much as they may not use expensive and different colure tones, still use art work to pass important messages. From graffiti to modern painting, 21st century art is achieving similar results in terms of conveying messages like the ancient artists (Robertson & McDaniel, 2010). The piece under review gives a clear picture of the mo dern trends as seen in the woman’s dress code with the hand symbolizing the changing traits of a modern woman. Traditionally women were meant to be submissive to their husbands and take second place after them. That is not the same anymore with women stepping up and being very vocal on issues that were traditionally handled by men. The modern woman knows her rights, dresses as she pleases and fights for masculine positions that were in the past left for men with her male counterparts. The piece by the Andrew Stenehjem therefore

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Trading Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Trading - Term Paper Example Peace and stability, interdependence and spread of ideals viable for business expansion are threatened thus reducing the country’s real Gross Domestic product (GDP).Low GDP implies low investments which implies low incomes thus devoting little saving for business expansions. This has devastating macro-economic effects on aggregate demand thus threatening job creation in a country. Trade barriers also reduce benefits accrued to consumers and limits production efficiency due to low competition. Low quality products supplied to the market lowers utility for consumers. Question Two Allowing international trade in Canada will mean it will import bicycles. The reasons are that the imports are cheaper than the exports due to comparative advantage. In a real world situation, black markets situations may result threatening the survival of domestic industries. The producers and manufactures of bicycles in Canada will suffer as rational consumers will obviously go for the cheaper importe d bicycles than their own expensive ones. This will reduce demand for bicycles thus reducing profits. This will later threaten jobs and incomes firms will be earning. In addition, the government will have to suffer economically in importing bicycles, subsidizing them or even meeting the higher cost as a result of inflation. On the other hand, consumers will benefit as they will find imported bicycles cheaper than their own home-made thus benefiting from income and substitution effects. Generally, the loss will be greater than gains due to additional social costs associated inflation, market imperfections and allocative inefficiencies. Question Three Comparative advantage has numerous gains. First, it enables a country to specialise in production of a certain products and services due low cost of factor inputs. It also leads to high quality products and high-knowledge services than their competitors in the market. This leads to an improvement in allocative efficiency and economic wel fare. It also makes a country to gain from international trade skills, knowledge and technology and can set standards in the international markets. It has high chances of creating monopolistic market situations due high costs of production its competitors. This can make it set prices and reap all the supernormal profits. It is noted that there will be production and consumption gains from comparative advantage as consumers will spend less in maximizing their utilities. If a country has an absolute advantage in all goods, first, there will be no trade. This implies that in the long run, trade deficits due to lack of new tastes and preferences. Through trade, all countries will benefit due to comparative advantages. However, in the real world it is difficult to encounter such an ideal economic situation. Question four. Factor prices are unequal because of the following reasons. First, population pressure on land causes the margin of cultivation to be pushed out. As agricultural yield increases, its prices sour higher due to higher manufacturing costs. Second, the differences between a country’s factor inputs, tastes and preferences, could cause a difference in prices of goods and services. For instances, a country’s expenditure patterns might be different from another due to income and factor inequalities. Third, the means of production (state of technology) could have greater magnitudes